
Joles Pelle had an accordion factory in Sweden from September 1945 to May 1955 in the place called Särna and from spring 1948 to autumn 1950 in Korsnäs. The factory production was nothing small, but there were about 30 employees, but at best 100 employees in 1949. In each Joles accordion a serial number can be found on the bass side. For example, the number 3314 is divided into two parts: 33 represents the serial number and 14 is the accordions numbers in a series. The maximum known serial number is 34. In 1949, up to 250 accordions were made in the series. Joles Pelle’s accordion production was the second largest in Sweden, after Hagström in Älvdalen. The accordion in the picture is from the 1950s and there are bearins in the treble arms attached on the wooden comb.