
Cooperfisa Accordion Factory was established in 1921 in Vercelli, Italy, as an accordion building cooperative. The original name of the company is Cooperativa Armoniche. Production began immediately, as each worker was already specialized in the construction of accordions. The factory initially produced chromatic accordions, and in particular it became famous for its musette accordion.

During World War II and its aftermath, Vercelli’s accordion industry withered as the demand for accordion declined dramatically. In the 1960s, the accordion, on the other hand, was unpopular. After these ordeals, Cooperativa Armoniche was the only accordion company operating in Vercelli. There were only three employees left.

1981 Pancrazio Aichino and Emiliana Roviaro decide to take business into a new level. They started hiring young workers from the local school. Through this, the business gained continuity as new employees learned accordion manufacture skills. At the same time, the appreciation of the company’s accordions began to grow. The name Cooperativa Armoniche was changed to Cooperfisa when the old corporate structure no longer corresponded to the era and the market needs. It was important to highlight the brand name and where the accordion was made.

Nowadays (2019) Cooperfisa produces all kinds of accordions: diatonic, chromatic, piano- and button accordions, free bass accordions as well as bandoneons. Cooperfisa is the only accordion factory in the Italian region of Pienmonte.


  • Company brochure 2019